Concept creation

An event that is full of impact starts with a strong concept. An event concept that is original and translates the objectives of the organization into action will make an impact. Sometimes there are too many creative ideas and you need someone to make choices, at other times you need a fresh look to put the business objectives in an appealing format. We work out the event concept for you with great passion for the event business.

We help companies and organizations to achieve their strategic objectives through events. But in a unique way! We dare to look at things differently and see an original interpretation for everything. Think of augmented reality to give an extra layer to the experience on location, a 'spoken word artist' to thank employees or spectacular live entertainment... We would like to surprise your visitors!


Concept creatie door Obsession

Event concept uitwerken

Een goed idee is nog geen succesvol evenement. Een doelgroeponderzoek, brainstorm en werkvormensessie helpen om te achterhalen wat écht belangrijk is en wat werkt. Heb je dat helder, dan kun je het event concept uitwerken. Dit is je richtlijn voor de creatieven van de Content & Design-afdeling die het plan tot leven brengen door middel van een inspirerend programma, virtuoze vormgeving en pakkende copy.