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Without an audience, there is no event. To mobilize visitors, you need good communication, planning and catchy event copywriting. Each target group requires a different tone of voice, form and approach. Our copywriters are aware of this and always hit the right note!
At Obsession, creativity and strategy always come together. We look for new ways to bring people, brand and organization together. Our creativity is expressed in our innovative concepts and high-impact events, but it also influences our communication strategy and copy. Because an event never stands on its own. We inventively fuse all of these components into a single rock-solid whole, that contributes to the sustainable growth of your company.
Copywriting for events by Obsession
From advice to implementation
What information is wise to share and with whom? Which tone of voice do you use, which call to actions do you use and which texts are necessary in the first place? Our communication experts have the answers and will support you with advice and actual copy.
For a total experience
If you tailor the copy for your event entirely to your target group, you create a brand experience that is deeply rooted in the memories of your visitors. This starts with the invitation and can continue for a long time in newsletters or social media.
More impact
With persuasive copy on your website, social media and other communication channels you immerse your visitors in a recognisable brand experience, which makes them feel at home faster. It also makes them more open to new information, new people or new products. The basis for making an impact!
Copywriting for events
Whether you're organizing an internal event or a large-scale trade fair or festival, success depends on your communication. Copywriting for your event website and social channels is an important part of this, after all, this is the place where a potential visitor decides whether or not to register. The event invitation is another item to pay attention to. The copy and the design together determine whether your intended guest is immediately moved and clicks on 'sign up'. Our copywriters understand which communication tools, tone of voice and call to actions are needed for a high turnout. We'll be happy to advise you.
Example event copy
Are you looking for an example of event copywriting? Then don't hesitate to contact us. With our years of experience and diverse client base we can help you with the copy for your corporate event or event website. Check out our portfolio to get an idea of the types of events we've organized for corporates, government and individuals over the past few years.
We are happy to help you translate your goals into the right copy with the right tone of voice. Because every event is custom made, we would like to get around the table with you to discuss your needs and possibilities.
Call or email us for a conversation with one of our partners for live.