World-class Workplace 2021


Every year, Effectory hands out their World-class Workplace award (WCWP). The award only goes to national and international employers that score above the benchmark on employee engagement. For this year's award show, they asked us to conceptualize a unique and online event. The event should honor the winners and inspire new companies to become a World-class Workplace.


It became a dynamic, interactive, and inspiring show with participants from home and abroad. The WCWP winners were honored during the hour and a half program. The three pillars of Effectory, Listen, Learn and Lead, were used to inspire the participants to become a WCWP. During the event, there was live music and, participants could take part in various polls. There was also an opportunity to network with each other after the event to share experiences. Afterward, the participants rated World-class Workplace with 4 out of 5 points and, they were motivated to become a World-class Workplace themselves next year.

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